Flashing Ball of Light

Descends on Girl Scout Campers

Dear A.A.,

One of my daughters recently experienced what I believe to be an alien abduction. Also there were 4 other girls with her only one does not claim to have had any weird experiences during the night. Here is their story:

The 5 girls were with their girl-scout troop at a near-by camp. They were sleeping outside in sleeping bags on the ground with no tents. They were apparently "star-gazing" when one of the girls, Morgan, spotted a "flashing ball of fire." She said it was descending rapidly towards them. Soon all of the girls were almost hypnotised by the blinding colored light, except for Stacie who was fast asleep with her sleeping-bag pulled over her head. The girls began to feel pulled towards the light, but the light landed on the field on which they were sleeping and began to dim. Patty said that she could make out the shape of a saucer with the door slowly opening. By then all of the girls awake had stood up and walked over to the landing site. All of them reported short slender people with gray skin and huge black bug eyes. That is the last thing they remembered. All woke up on top of their sleeping bags as if nothing had happened.

A couple weeks later my daughter and some of the other girls began to have strange dreams and unexplained nose-bleeds. I took my daughter to see the doctor about her nose-bleeds. They removed a small silver fragment from her nose. The doctor said it might be an implant because it seemed put there on purpose.

Thank you for your time. -- A Concerned Mother

P.S. What do you think the "implant" was supposed to do?

Dear Concerned Mother,

What happened to the girls is quite common. The flashing light, compelled to go to the ship, seeing Grey-beings. Even acting as nothing had happened afterwards, which in and of itself is very bizzare. A normal reaction would be one of excitement and intense conversation about what was seen. The unexplained nose-bleeds also fit the profile of an encounter experience.

Did you save the "small silver fragment" that the doctor removed from your daughter's nose? It could very well be an implant. If you have it, I can provide you with the name, address and phone number of an UFO organization that investigates these unknown objects.

Your guess is as good as mine as to what these implants are supposed to do. All kinds of speculation is going on about their purpose and how they might function. All I know is I have one (right nostril) and I will keep it as I believe it is definitely there for a purpose. Who says that purpose is not to help us in some way. Since it doesn't hurt, I've elected to keep it in to see what happens. But then, I don't like doctors. Cutting things out of one's body seems barbaric to me. But then again, I look at things differently than most people. -- Editor